Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nationalizing of banks

I recently read an article about how the government is seeking to stem bank fears. In this article, Robert Gibbs, a White House spokesman, said that the Obama administration "continues to strongly believe that a privately held banking system is the correct way to go." But what exactly does the Obama administration consider to be a private bank? One in which the bank is completely free of all government help? Or a bank which calls itself private and even has a board of directors and stock holders but, in all actuality, is almost completely run by the national government? For that is the type of bank that Obama, and even his predecessor George Bush, seem to favor. In the midst of this recession, the national government has bought controlling stock in most major banks around the country with the promise to sell back those stocks once this crisis is over. But will they? What reason have we to believe that they really will sell back those stocks and hand control back over to the banks? All we have ever seen from the liberals and this type of government is a want for power. Almost every single government institution that has been put in place since the Great depression has taken power away from the states and people and given it to the national government. So while Obama claims that he believes in a private banking system, one has to wonder how he is defining private.

Here is the article:

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Whatever ends up passing in the name of economic stimulus during this recession, just like during the great depression, will down the line just end up as more power for the federal government.
