Thursday, February 19, 2009


The greatest danger facing America today is not our weakening economy or terrorist attacks or anything else. While those are dangers that we do face, they are not the greatest dangers that we face. No, the greatest danger that America faces today is apathy. Apathy on the part of those who have the power to do something and apathy on the part of those who should start doing something. Now you may wonder, what are we being apathetic towards? I believe that we as Americans are being apathetic towards the direction that our government is bringing us. What I mean by that is that our government is racing towards socialism and communism and we as Americans are doing nothing to stop them. We seem to be fine with just letting the government do whatever it feels like and enact any law that it feels like enacting. We just sit back and say, oh the government doesn’t affect my life at all, why should I care about politics and what those in Washington are doing. That is the kind of apathy I am talking about and unless that apathy is curtailed we will go into socialism and our constitution and everything that our founding fathers fought for will be for naught.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree, our apathy is scarier than the most proactive fundametalist anything
