Thursday, March 5, 2009

A few questions

This past Monday, March 02, 2009 I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer with the Justice For All (JFA) exhibit. For those who have never heard of JFA, what it is, is a pro-life group that goes to college campuses all across the country talking to college students about abortion. What is particularly amazing about this group though is that they set up a twenty feet tall triangle exhibit with graphic pictures of what abortions actually look like and other things of that nature. While I was there volunteering with the group, I had the opportunity to talk to a lot of different people about abortion. Now for those who told me that they were very pro-life and thought that all abortion was wrong, I asked them a simple question. Well, what are you doing to try and stop this genocide? Are you a member of the pro-life group here on campus? Every single time the answer was no. I than asked them one more question. When are you going to care enough to do something about it? When the death toll reaches 100 million? 200 million? That is the question that I ask everybody that reads this blog post, when are we going to care enough to rise up and stop the injustices and abuses that are going on in today’s society? When America crashes and burns? When the death toll of those tiny infants reaches 100 million? When Christ is completely thrown out and rejected by our entire society? Now I want to make something clear, we may not be able to stop our economy and our Country from completely crashing and burning. We may not be able to stop America from completely rejecting Christ and we may not be able to stop the genocide of infants. However, that gives us no excuse to not be active in fighting back against those who would seek to destroy us. When Paul was beaten and persecuted for the sake of Christ, he did not give up, but kept right no fighting. When the Romans tried to blame the destruction of Rome on the Christians, St. Augustine fought back and wrote one of the greatest books ever, The City of God, in defense of the Christians. So let us not be apathetic in the fight for our country and our God. Rather let us do all we can to bring this country back to where we came from, for only there will God once again bless us as a nation.


  1. Good article Aaron!

  2. was the display at UH this year?

  3. no it wasn't but they're trying to get it back there, because UH actually banned them from coming back so JFA sued them and won. But they haven't come back yet, so i'm going to actually try to get them to comeback because they told me that they would really like to go back there

  4. yeah, i was a part of that lawsuit. they didn't tell you?

    the trick was holding the pro-life cougars together after-the-fact.... we started having charter problems.

    just wondering if you'd been able to get things rolling again.

  5. oh i see, what was your part in the lawsuit? and no, my plan was to try and get asher to talk to them but he doesn't really seem to have any interest
