Monday, April 27, 2009

What we need is humility

America is sprinting toward destruction and the only thing that can save us is humility and a fervent plea for God’s mercy and forgiveness. Without it, we will surely come to destruction. Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes that there is nothing new under the sun. This truth, while written thousands of years ago, is the same today just as it was back then. Who are we to think that somehow our nation is smarter and different than all the great, and not so great, nations of the past. Take a look at the history of great nations like Rome, Greece, England and others, why do we think that we are so different than them. It is true that America is, if not the richest, one of the richest nations that the world has ever seen, and more than likely the most powerful nation ever. Yet while we may be richer and stronger than those nations ever were, we are identical to them in one regard. Why did Rome fall, or Greece or England or the Persian empire? Why did they go from being the masters of the world to being just another nation? From having vast riches and mighty armies to nations that have neither? And why will America go from being the mightiest and richest nation ever to rule the earth, to being merely a couple of pages in a history book one day? It is because America, just as those other nations, is destroying itself from the inside.
America was started as a nation that feared and trusted in God. A nation that lived by Godly principles and truths, and because of this, God blessed this nation greatly. Now however, we are a nation that will do whatever it can to deny the very existence of God. For this reason, God is judging us and taking back all of those blessings he once bestowed on us. Right now, our economy is going down the drain, the middle east looks like it is about to explode and our government is spending our future out of existence. While things look very bleak and discomforting, we can remember what Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. We can learn from the mistakes that were made in the past and then not repeat those mistakes. We can look at the nation of Rome and how it came to destruction because it became very lax in its morals and opened its doors to all manner of evil and wickedness. The same happened to England and the other great nations that the world has seen. In all of these nations, Godly morals and ethics were thrown out and man’s sinful thinking and morals replaced them. But God judged those nations, and those once great nations are no longer so great. Now it is happening again, we as Americans have thrown out Gods law and replaced It with our own. We have become a lazy and complacent people who could care less about what is happening to us. Why is it that all of our doctors and inventors and mathematicians seem to be foreign? Why is it that the hardest working people in America are the illegal immigrants from the Central and South America? It is because they recognize the great opportunity that has been given to them to live and work in a nation like this and they are not going to squander that opportunity. However, Americans seem to have no problem with squandering that opportunity and the inheritance that has been given to us by past generations. We seem to have no problem with laziness and reliance on the government. We are being taught that if we have a problem, let the government fix it. Not, if we have a problem, learn how to solve it yourself. Besides the laziness, we have also thrown out all Godly morals. I saw a statistic that said that 40% of teenage girls have either been pregnant or are pregnant. Fifty million babies have been killed in the last thirty years. Homosexuality is a thing that should be tolerated now. Sex outside of marriage is so common that most people think you are weird if you haven’t done it. Tell me, how did America get to this point and why do we think that we will not go unpunished because of it? And believe me, it is not just the unrighteous that are acting wickedly here in America, but it is also the Christians. We seem to have no problem watching a movie that has sex and language and violence In it. Or watching TV shows whose whole premise is based on sex. We make up excuses for why we are watching it. We listen to songs that glorify sex and drugs and violence and all manner of wickedness. We are all responsible, and we will all be punished unless we beg God for mercy. Unless we get down on our hands and knees, and like the city of Nineveh, plead to God to forgive us of our wickedness. Otherwise, we will become like every other nation that has ever inhabited the earth, we will be judged and punished by a righteous God who will not tolerate such sinfulness to last. America is on the brink of destruction and without God’s help, we will most assuredly be destroyed.